Date: 22/04/2024 to 26/04/2024
No. Of Days: 05
School Name: KRM Public School (CBSE)
Address: 11, 2nd Ln, Shanthi Nagar, Sembiyan, Perambur, Chennai - 600011
Classes Participated: 8th and 9th Std.
No. of Students: 76
Fee Collected per student: Rs. 100/-
Day-wise Report of the 5-day PD Camp
Day 1: 22/04/2024
From 12.30 to 3.30 pm
1. Prayer, Omkara, Silent Meditation, Camp song --- Shri. Sekar, VYF
2. Self-Confidence (PD Topic Presentation) --- Shri. Vijayendiran, VYF
3. Kirigami --- Kakitha Sirpiyar (Paid Professional)
4. Yoga & Games --- Keshav Bharadhwaj
5. Concluding Session and distribution of refreshments
Day 2: 23/04/2024
From 12.30 to 3.30 pm
1. Prayer, Omkara, Silent Meditation, Camp song --- Shri. Ramakrishnan, VYF
2. Leadership Qualities (PD Topic Presentation) --- Shri. Subburaj, VYF
3. Bharathathin Perumai (PD Topic Presentation) --- Shri. Ramakrishnan, VYF
4. Concluding Session and distribution of refreshments --- Shri. Aditya, VYF
Day 3: 24/04/2024
From 1 to 3.45 pm
1. Prayer, Omkara, Silent Meditation, Camp song --- Shri. Venkatesh (Textile), VYF
2. Personality Development (PD Topic Presentation) --- Shri. Venkatesh (Textile), VYF
3. Story Telling: Characters of Ramayana --- Smt. Srividya Veera Raghavan, RK Math Volunteer
4. Sinthanai Thuligal book and pens distributed to all students.
5. Concluding Session and distribution of refreshments.
Day 4: 25/04/2024
From 1 to 3.45 pm
1. Prayer, Omkara, Silent Meditation, Camp song --- Shri. Sekar, VYF
2. Yoga and Games (PD Topic Presentation) --- Shri. Jayavel, VYF
3. Time Management (PD Topic Presentation) --- Shri. Viswanathan G, VYF
4. Concluding Session and distribution of refreshments.
Day 5: 26/04/2024
From 9 am to 5 pm
Visit to RK Math and V. House by students along with their coordinator teacher:
9 am: Arrival and welcome at RK Math, Mylapore.
9.15 am: Universal Temple Visit with Salutations and prayer to the Holy Trinity
9.45 to 10.30 am: Guided Tour of RK Math Campus with explanation by VYF volunteer.
10.30 am: Buttermilk distribution to students
11 am: Assembly at VIHE Hall
11 to 11.30: Guided Meditation by Swami Apavargananda
11.45 am to 12.15 pm: Speech on Importance of Moral Values by Swami Raghunayakananda
12.15 to 12.30 pm: Distribution of free books to teachers and students
12.30 pm: Instructions by Br. Vanisha Chaitanya on Dharma and its importance.
12.45 pm: Lunch Prasad at Old Temple
1.20 pm: Re-assembly at VIHE hall and Rest.
1.30 to 2.30 pm: Ice-breaking games and activities --- Sripathy and Jayavel
2.20 pm: Distribution of Certificates to the students
2.45 pm: Departure to Vivekananda House
3.00 pm: Arrival at Vivekananda House
3 to 4.30 pm: Visit of Vivekanada Museum and video screening.
4.30 pm: Tea Break
4.45 pm: Group Photo with Swami Ishapremananda (V. House In-charge)
5 pm: Departure of the Students
*** End of PD Camp ***
Remarks by Camp Co-ordinator (VYF, RK Math): Camp Scheduled by Shri. Jayavel in a good manner. Shri. Hemanth co- ordinated with the school and volunteers in a good way. Teachers were co-operative.
Remarks by School Teachers: Appreciated the initiative of RK Math Chennai for educating the students in values.