Leprosy Rehabilitation 2024
Venue: Ramakrishna Math chennai, Swami Tapasyananda Hall
Venue: Ramakrishna Math chennai, Swami Tapasyananda Hall
Rehabilitation Work for recovered Leprosy People was conducted on 15th June 2024 morning at 10.30am to 12.30pm.
Programme commenced by Arati which was performed by Swami Dharmishthananda. Followed by Introduction and Welcome address by Shri. N. Rajesh. The distribution of Rehabilitation materials to recovered leprosy people by our Math monks and Chief Guest Dr.V.Dharmalingam and Dr. T.S. Selvavinayagam.
Special Guest Address given by Chief Guest Dr. V. Dharmalingam and Dr. T.S. Selvavinayagam
Continued by small address by Sri Siva, Sri Sivaramakrishnan and Swami Raghunayakananda, followed by Benediction of Swami Dharmishthanandaji Maharaj.
Vote of Thanks by Shri. K. Muralinath.