The Universal Brotherhood Day 2015 (Photos)

By - WebTeam
11.09.15 09:56 PM
On September 11, 1893, at World Parliament of Religions held at Chicago, America, Swami Vivekananda gave a revitalizing speech by enlightening the glory of India to the world. This day is marked as The Universal Brotherhood Day. On this auspicious day Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai conducted various programs at Vivekanandar Illam (Ice House).

Students of G K Shetty Vivekananda Vidyalaya started the event with devotional songs, followed by proclamation of Chicago Speech beginning with the lines “Sisters and Brothers of America” by Volunteers and the audience.

Inaugural Function of National Youth Day: Sri Ramakrishna Math has been celebrating National Youth Day every year (12th January) in order to emphasize the point that it is just not enough to read the life and message of Swamiji but to lead a life imbibing them. Under the title “Save & Serve in the name of Swamiji” a scheme wherein students, individuals and organizations save and from that savings will do good for the Society. The best service under this scheme will be honored on 12th January, 2016.

The dignitaries (1) Smt. Sivasankari, a Renowned Tamil Writer, being the student of Sarada Vidyalaya, T Nagar spoke about the values of youngsters life in the present day under the guidance of Swami Vivekananda. She was overwhelmed with joy and mentioned it is worth watching the museum arranged at Vivekanandar Illam. She mentioned that she gets regular inspiration from Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam, the monthly tamil magazine published from Sri Ramakrishna Math, in spite of her busy schedule. She told the modern and Hi-fi technology can be made use for building of one’s own character and to help the society.

(2) Sri Devi Bala, Renowned Tamil Writer, spoke about the modern day Writings, he elaborately told about the attitude of modern day social media and other electronic means which in better ways can be made use in making once self a very good and a voracious reader with vast opportunity of learning and deep study about particular subjects.

(3) Sri Pe-Su-MANI, a well known Writer, gave a comparative study about his younger days and the present day situations. He again and again said that ‘Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam’ is the one such gift to the Tamil people which is beyond all comparison and an immeasurable treasure. Swami Vivekananda’s words were absolutely the need of the modern age, he emphasized the family values and the significance of Indian Tradition.

In the short story contest conducted by Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam, Tamil monthly of Sri Ramakrishna Math, nearly 650 short stories that laid stress on the principles governing noble life were received. The selected short stories received prizes on this day. Prize Distribution Function for Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam Short Story Contest was held. Around 8 winners were felicitated with a memento, cash prize and a citation.

A special address was delivered by Dr. V. IRAIANBU, I.A.S., Swami Vivekananda’s various quotations and his inspiring words just flowed fluently and the audience was spell bound with his attractive speech. His illustrations and references were very appropriate and impressive to mark the occasion in the name of Swamiji.

The Benedictory address was delivered by Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj

Around 350 – 500 people attended the function
