Tuesday, 21st February 2023.
Jayanthi celebrations started with Mangala Arati at 5.00 a.m., followed by Vedic chanting and Bhajans led by Monastics. At 6.00 a.m., Temple Pradakshina, led by Rev. Swami Dharmatmanda Mharaj, Rev. Swami Devarajananda Ji Maharaj, Rev. Swami Vimokshananda, Rev. Swami Dharmishthananda Maharaj and other monks and Brahmacharis. Large number of devotees took part, followed by breakfast.
Morning session started with Miss. Lakshmi Vijayaragavan’s Bhajans and Carnatic devotional songs, followed the Bhajans of Sri Maa Bhajan Mandali.
At the main temple special Puja to Sri Ramakrishna and Chandi Parayana started. Devotees participated in chanting of Vishnu Sahasranama led by Swami Sashishikananda Maharaj.
Sri. Pradeesh Balan & his accompanists led Bhajans followed by the Girl students of Sri Ramakrishna Math Vivekananda Centenary Girls'’ Hr. Sec School.
Swamis and Brahmacharins led bhajans during puja time followed by Sri Ramakrishna Homa and food offering to Sri Ramakrishna. Bhog arati was attended by large group of devotees and about 3,500 persons had their lunch Prasad.
SECOND SESSION in the afternoon started with Sri Ramakrishna Ashtothra Shata Namavali ., followed by solo instrumental music ‘CELLO’ by Sri Ramachandran and party. Bhajan by Balamandir students of the Math and Saradamaa Bhajan Mandali continued sing bhajans.
Evening Sandhya Arati was attended by large number of devotees. At Swami Ramakrishnanada Hall special lectures on Sri Ramakrishna was held. Rev. Swami Dharmishthananda Maharaj introduced the Swamijis to the audience. Rev. Swami Vimokshananda Maharaj spoke in Tamil and narrated the incidents happened in the life of a Marati rural women and her devotion. Maharaj quoted the nectarine messages of Sri Ramakrisha from ‘Amudha Mozhigal’. He concluded his speech by mentioning Sri Ramakrishna’s Grace by accepting everyone.
Rev. Swami Devarajananda Ji Maharaj, started the lecture with the incident, when Sri Ramakrishna, was lying on his deathbed, He proclaimed His identity as an avatar to Swami Vivekananda–“He who was Rama and Krishna is now in this body, Ramakrishna.” Maharaj, told about the THREE hymns composed by Swami Vivekananda on Sri Ramakrishna; one, Kandana Bhava Bandhana, second, Om Hrim Ritm Thvamachalo… and the third Achandala Pradihatarayo; The first two hymns are sung everyday during evening araati in all the centres of Math. Maharaj explained the third hyum starting with Achandala….with its meaning and relating to Sri Rama and Sri Krishna, and Sri Ramakrishna, as the avatar. Maharaj related the incidents happened in the life of Sri Ramakrishna’s mother relating his birth, her vision of Lord Shiva, Sri Ramakrishna is Shiva. Sarva Deva Devi Swaroopa Sri Ramakrishna.
Rev. Swami Dharmishtananda Maharaj, proposed the vote of Thanks and aptly quoted the similar incidents in the life of Andal and Gnanasambandar. Full day Jayanthi celebrations concluded with Prasad distribution to devotees and dinner Prasad to volunteers.