New Computers Installation and Opening

By - Webteam
27.07.24 06:03 PM

Computer Lab, Vivekananda Cultural Centre

  • As part of an effort to empower underprivileged students, Vivekananda Cultural Centre aims at developing creative approaches towards enhancing them with essential computer skills, meeting the industry-standards. Upon successful completion, the students will receive certification. This initiative emphasizes on education and 100% job opportunities for the brighter future of these youths of the locality, in turn contributing towards building Strong Nation.
  • To achieve the above in this technological era, Kamarajar Port Limited, Chennai under the CSR initiatives has sponsored 13 Computers and Chennai Port Authority 4 Computers to Vivekananda Cultural Centre in this FY2024-25.
  • At 10 am, as the tradition for auspicious beginning Flowers offering and Arati was performed. And then Smt. J. P. Irene Cynthia, I.A.S, Managing Director, Kamarajar Port Limited Inaugurated the New Computers, in the Presence of Swami Raghunayakananda ji Maharaj, Manager, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai, Sri. Indranil Hazra, Secretary Chennai Port Authority, other members of KPL and CPA. Also Computer science department students from Bharathi College participated.
  • A meeting held at Swami Abhedananda Hall, where Smt. J. P. Irene Cynthia addressed the gathering and shared how important is the usage of technology and its setup in every profession. She inspired all the students with her talk and to utilise the facilities and the opportunity whenever available. Followed by Sri Indranil Hazra ji, who is always ready to help the activities of the Ramakrishna Mission as he has firm belief on accountability of every rupee. Quoting his own experience with organisation, he appreciated KPL and its initiatives under the leadership of Smt. Cynthia.
  • Swami Raghunayakananda Maharaj remarked the contribution and future possibilities of working & serving VCC with both KPL and CPA. Followed by Vote of Thanks and refreshments meeting ended
