Mala Grathana 2024 (Photos)

By - WebTeam
25.11.24 12:47 PM

The workshop started with prayers and lighting of lamp in Prayer Hall (1st Floor).  

Basic Saram, Types of Veni, Dindu Malai with thread or banana fibre. Different patterns of stringing garlands, Thoranams with Coconut and Mango leaves & Traditional Jadai were taught joyfully in the calm ambience of Vivekanandar Illam Campus.

Course Instructors & Volunteers collaborated joyfully with VCC to make this event successful.

Date: 24 & 25.11.2024 (11th Batch) 

Two - days Workshop was successfully conducted at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC) on 23rd and 24th November 2024, with 12 participants ranging from 16 to 60 years.
The workshop was conducted by Krishnaveni ji and assisted by Ms.Ganga.
Guest of honour included Smt Valli Solai and Sri Solai Kannu who addressed the gathering to insist the importance of art forms to lead a peaceful and calm life. Br. Vanishachaitanya ji Maharaj, Director of VCC in his benedictory address emphasized the need for traditional activities, such as Mala Grathana for transforming one’s life into a higher state of being by involving oneself into meditation and to serve Humanity and God.
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Date: 21 & 28.09.2024 (10th Batch) 

Two days Workshop was successfully conducted at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC) on two consecutive Saturdays 21& 28th September 2024, with 15 participants ranging from 16 to 60 years.

The workshop was conducted by Lavanya ji and assisted by Vijayalakshmi Amma and Mr Surya.

Swami Ishapremananda ji, Incharge of Vivekanandar Illam (Museum) in his benedictory address emphasized the need for adding a little devotion to whatever activity–not only Mala Grathana–we do and make ourselves great by transforming it into a meditation and excellent instrument to serve Humanity and God.

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Date: 22.06.2024 (9th Batch) 

The Orientation Session of the 9th batch of Mala Grathana (Garland Making) was inaugurated on 22nd June 2024, by Resource Persons, volunteers, and students in presence of Director, Br. Vanishachaitanya Maharaj , who spoke about the connection between flowers and the divine, as well as the calming and meditative effect this ancient art has on the mind. This relaxing and creative floral class included 20 participants from many walks of life, ranging in age from 18 to 60.
Smt. Lavanya Dheera , Vijayalakshmi & Barnali Roy, who are also volunteers and devotees of Sri Ramakrishna Math, unsparingly and enthusiastically, shared their knowledge of this ancient art with all participants who were equally eager to learn.
During the Valedictory Session on Sun - 30th June 2024, presided by Chief Guest–Smt Lakshmi Annamalai, the chief guest of the program delivered an enthusiastic short, sweet also to the point and co-relating Malagrathana art with Thanjavur painting.
"Swami Raghunayakananda Maharaj ji, the Manager of Sri Ramakrishna Math Mylapore Chennai, gave the benediction address. With distribution of certificates and group photo session came to end.
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Date: 16.03.2024 (8th Batch) 

The Orientation Session of the 8th batch of Mala Grathana (Garland Making) was inaugurated on 16th March 2024, by Resource Persons, volunteers, and students in presence of Swami Raghunayakananda ji, who spoke about the connection between flowers and the divine, as well as the calming and meditative effect this ancient art has on the mind. This relaxing and creative floral class included 24 participants from many walks of life, ranging in age from 18 to 60.

Smt. Vijayalakshmi & Kumari Lavanya Dheera, who are also volunteers and devotees of Sri Ramakrishna Math, unsparingly and enthusiastically, shared their knowledge of this ancient art with all participants who were equally eager to learn.

During the Valedictory Session on Sat-30th March 2024, presided by Chief Guest–Sri Ganesh ji, Chief Electrical Engineer of Southern Railway, quipped that there was a need to share this knowledge in the Northern and other parts of Bharat, where the practice of Mala Grathana (Garland Making) is not so much prevalent among common people. Certificates were given to all by Chief Guest at the end with a kind word of appreciation to each one of them.
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