National Youth Day 2024

By - Webteam
12.01.24 05:00 PM

National Youth Day, was celebrated in campus with 200 students and teachers from schools and colleges around Chennai at Vivekananda Cultural Centre(VCC) in Vivekanandar Illam Campus. 

Swami Raghunayakananda welcomed the guests and dwelt on why Jan 12th is being celebrated as the National Youth Day. 

Srimat Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj, Vice President of the Ramakrishna Order gave the Benedictory address. 

Swami Dhyanagamyanandaji, Secretary, of Vivekananda College gave the Keynote address. 

Swami Dharmishtanandaji and Swami Ishapremanandaji were also present at the celebrations. 

A small inspiring booklet ‘Thoughts of Power’ by Swami Vivekananda was distributed to all the students. Lunch Prasad was provided for all.
