The birthday of Swami Vivekananda which falls on 12th January is celebrated as ‘National Youth Day’ every year. In connection with this, Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam, a Tamil monthly Magazine, is conducting competitions every year. This year 2024, in the Essay Competition conducted by this magazine, around 8000 girls and boys from 160 schools and 30 colleges participated. In other competitions like Oratorical, Drawing and Quiz Programmes conducted by Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence, around 1300 students from 11 schools participated. The impact of Swami Vivekananda’s messages and their responsibility is reflected in the Essays written by students and other competitors. The competitions will definitely benefit in bringing awareness among the youth and their social responsibility.
In association with National Youth Day 2024 , National Youth Day & Prize distribution for the Competitions on 12.01.2024. Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai, conducted various competitions in connection with National Youth Day on 12 January 2024. The function started with Vedic Chanting by Swamis of the Sri Ramakrishna Math. Swami Shankaratmanandaji Maharaj started function with an opening song on Swami Vivekananda’s call to youth, inspiring the students to rise up to the occasion.
Welcome Address was delivered by Swami Suprajnanandaji Maharaj and Introduction by Swami Apavarganandaji Maharaj.
A Special talk was delivered by Isaikkavi Ramanan. This was followed by students who shared their experiences gained by participating in the competitions.
Sri T.S. Krishna Murthy addressed the students and enlightened the students with few incidents from the Swami Vivekananda.
Revered Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj, Vice President, Ramakrishna Math & Mission, Belur math gave a Benediction address.
Prizes were distributed for the winners of the competitors on National Youth Day, the 12th January 2024 at Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai. The function came to an end with closing song by Brahmachari Vanishachaitanya Maharaj and Vote of Thanks by Swami Shashishikhanandaji Maharaj.
Lunch Prasadam was offered to all the gathering in the National Youth Day program.