After a break of 3 years National Youth Day was celebrated in campus with 200+ students and teachers from schools and colleges around Chennai attending the program arranged from 10 to 1 pm at Vivekananda Cultural Centre(VCC).
Swami Raghunayakananda, welcomed the guests and dwelt at length upon the genesis of 12th January as the National Youth Day since 1985. Also he spoke of the need to involve youth in such programs and hence seven institutions had been provided a prominent quotation of Swami Vivekananda a month in advance for Paper Presentation and Elocution on those quotations.
About 50+ students presented papers and gave inspiring talks on those Quotations. A few of the institutions also presented patriotic group songs in Tamil/Hindi, charging the atmosphere with their soulful and patriotic renderings.
DIG Ranveer Singh, Chief Staff Officer (R&T) Indian Coast Guard, inaugurated the program as the Chief Guest in presence of Swami Dakshajananda, Vivekananda Digital Archives–RKMVERI, Belur Math and Special Guest, Dr Sudha Seshayyan, Vice-Chancellor, Dr MGR Medical University.
Chief Guest, DIG Ranveer Singh ji spoke about patriotism and how youth should contribute to Nation Building by taking up Responsibilities to help the poor and needy people around us. He quoted Swami Vivekananda’s saying about the way to success, by taking up one idea and to make that idea one's life– to think of it, dream of it and give one's whole life for it.
Special Guest, Dr. Sudha Seshayyan spoke about the role and importance of youth in India and how Swami Vivekananda dreamt about the future of India and he said it lies in the hands of the youth. She said every Indian should carry a pride of being born in India and feel proud about our own nation.
Swami Dakshajananda spoke about unselfishness and patience. He explained how youth should take up these two qualities and move forward in anything they take up in life.
A small inspiring booklet, Swami Vivekananda-Friend of All along with an inspiring quotation with a quiz to be Emailed back by 27th Jan was distributed to all participants. Lunch Prasad was provided for all.