National Youth Day 2017 at National School (Photos)

By - WebTeam
12.01.17 03:12 PM
The 154th Birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda was celebrated as National youth day in our school in a grand manner by our school students on 12th January 2017. Swami Shashishikhanandaji Maharaj, Secretary, National School presided over the function. N. Jayalakshmi of Std V-A, gave a warm welcome to everyone assembled. The program started with Pooja, followed by youth day special speech by Secretary Maharaj, school teachers (Tmt. J. Marykiruba, Tmt. E. Bharathy and Tmt. S. Kalarani), and also sharing few of their thoughts about Swami Vivekananda. Quotes of Swami Vivekananda were recited by P. Govardhanan of Std I-A, C. John Joseph (GAP) of Std IV-A. Students from Std V, N. Sabareshwaran, S.Banupriya, P. Lokeshwari and G. Vigneshwari also recited the famous quotes on Swami Vivekananda by our National leaders. G. Ashok Kumar of Std V-A (Tamil), S. Harini of Std V-B (English) gave a recitation about Swami Vivekananda.

Various cultural programs were also performed by our students namely

1. S. Preethi Sree of std I-B (Story about Narendra)
2. Bhajans by 3rd Standard Students
3. Group dance by 2nd Standard students
4. Drama – Swami Vivekananda by 5th Standard students.

Vote of thanks was delivered by Tmt. S.V. Saraswathy H.M. and program ended with National Anthem. Sweets were also distributed to all students, teachers and Non-teaching staffs by our management.
