Nursing Assistant Trainees Graduation (Photos)

By - WebTeam
15.04.16 11:06 AM

28 Girls have been selected in eight different hospitals and they have joined for duty on May 7th 2016 after completing the Nursing Assistant training in M.K. Nursing Home .

If you would further like to donate for the below cause, please go to the below link and donate under “Education : Nursing Assistant Training (for Girls)”.

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Good opportunities do not knock at the doors in villages. Nor do the poor in the villages chase good opportunities. This state of affairs should not continue.

Good opportunities should be made available to our villagers, especially the rural young women, who are ‘the makers of future India’.

Driven by this ideal, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai has been engaged for twenty years now, in imparting ‘One Year Free Nursing Assistant Training’, the most needed crash course, to the poor rural girls.

Thiruvallur, Thiruvannamalai, Dharampuri, Thanjavur, Thiruvarur, Vellore, Cuddalore, Villupuram are some of the backward districts in Tamilnadu. Agriculture is the main profession in these Districts.

To alleviate poverty in these rural backward areas to some extent and for the uplift of rural women Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, arranges the above training (NURSING ASSISTANT course) for the daughters of the agricultural labourers, weavers etc., who could not continue their studies beyond +2 owing to penury and are  without any gainful employment.

Nursing Assistant training was chosen for these rural girls, as the duration of this training is just a year and the scope for finding placement immediately after completion of the training is vast.

For the purpose of selection of poor rural girls the co-ordinator of the Math’s Rural Service, visits tiny backward villages in the above Districts and explain to the poor farmers and their family members the need for their daughters’ gainful occupation. After convincing the parents of the prospective candidates as to how their daughters can meet the future challenges, girls with plus 2 qualifications from rural Government Schools only, are selected. The selected girls and their peasant fathers and mothers are brought to the Math at Mylapore. It is only after the salient features of the One year Nursing Assistants Training Course are explained to them in detail, that the girls are admitted in the Course.

The training is imparted in a hospital, in Chennai City. Boarding and Lodging are provided in the hospital itself.

Theory and practical classes are conducted daily with simultaneous allotment of day / night duties.

The daily classes include the following:

  1. Anatomy and Physiology
  2. Disease and Immunity
  3. Common Infectious diseases
  4. Diseases of systems
  5. Pharmacology
  6. Microbiology and parasitology
  7. Food, Nutrition and Nutrional disorders
  8. First Aide and
  9. Observation of the sick and General care of the sick

The Students are also trained to administer injections, drips, bandaging, suture management, recording ECG, monitoring Pulse etc. and are familiarised with the names of different medicines.

In addition, they are deputed to some other hospitals also for exposure to I.C.Us (Intensive Care Unit) and Operation Theatres. All these are followed by Examinations.

The details of beneficiaries during the last 13 years are given below:-

YearNo. of beneficiariesJob Placement

After completion of one year training they get placement in various Hospitals in Chennai as Nursing Assistants with a minimum monthly salary of Rs.5,000/-.

There is a bright possibility for all of them to earn not less than Rs.8000/- per month within the next two years.

Those who are industrious are able to earn even Rs.10000/- per month within 3 years or so.

This helps them to live with dignity and honour without depending on anybody and brightens their scope to take to family life and provide good education to their children.

Currently 135 girls are undergoing training in hospitals in Chennai City and the entire expenditure is borne by the Math.

The girls who study 4-years Degree Course (B.Sc., Nursing) and 3½ – years Diploma in Nursing find placements in foreign countries (USA, UK etc.)

With the steady growth in the number of hospitals in Chennai City, there is a great demand for Nurses. The girls who have successfully undergone 1 year Nursing Assistants training are able to get sure placement.

Our Villages can grow only if similar services continue.  Again, our Country will grow only if our Villages progress.

We earnestly solicit the whole-hearted participation of the people in this noble activity. It will help the poor rural girls to stand on their own feet.

The details of financial requirement are enclosed.

Free Nursing Assistant Course to Rural Girls Expenditure (per batch 30 trainees)

Expenditure – per Student

Admission Fee600.00
Books & Stationery700.00
Uniform including stitching charges & Nursing shoe1200.00
Additional assistance from Math to the students for their food (Mess in hostel) for one year at Rs.800/- per month x 12 months9600.00
Monthly Fees to the Institution at Rs.600/- p.m (average) Rs.600x12 months7200.00
Special coaching classes in English (in medical terms etc.)300.00
Visiting Math & other institutions through van400.00
Administrative charges Expenditure including remuneration and conveyance to the staff of this project for whole year -per student3300.00
For 30 students6,99,000.00
