Public Celebration of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti 2019 (Video)

By - WebTeam
10.03.19 03:14 PM
The Public Celebration of Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti was celebrated at the Vivekananda House on Sunday 10th March 2019. The program began with the devotional music by Bhakthaswaraa Bhajan Mandali, which followed by a short drama, Katha Kalakshepam & Geetam in Sanskrit. On this holy occasion, the following books were released by Most revered Swami Suvirananda ji Maharaj.

Mana Amaidikku Vazhi (Tamil Book)
Swami Abhedananda – A Yogi Par Excellence (English)
Synthesis of Vedanta (English)
Rishivar Swami Vivekananda (Sanskrit)

After the book release, there were special talks delivered by two eminent speakers; Dr. M. Jayaraman (Tamil), Director, Research, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, and Sri Chakravarthy Sulibele, Founder, Yuva Brigade, Bengaluru.

Most revered Swami Suvirananda ji Maharaj, General Secretary, Ramakrishna Math & Mission, Belur Math delivered a chief guest address. He spoke on the message of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna.
