10th Anniversary Celebration of Vivekananda Cultural Centre (Photos)

By - Webteam
11.09.24 08:30 PM
Venue: Nivedita Auditorium
Time: 4.30pm to 8.15pm, Date: 11th September, 2024

Vivekananda Cultural Centre celebrated its 10th Anniversary Celebration on 11th September, 2024 in the Nivedita Auditorium at Vivekanandar Illam Campus, V. House, Triplicane, Chennai. Like every other auspicious occasion, the event kick-started by offering prayers to the Holy Trio and a customary lamp lighting ceremony by the dignitaries as a tribute to the Holy Trio. The event was graced by the monks of the order of Ramakrishna Math and Mission, Chief Guest, guests of honour, staff and volunteers of VCC, and alumni members.

The gathering witnessed a video embracing the journey of VCC from 2014 to till date followed by another video featuring virtual blessings from Revered President Srimat Swami Gautamananda ji Maharaj, Sri Ramakrishna Math & Mission, Belur Math, Kolkata. The next session covered sharing’s by the monks associated with VCC thus far, which included Swami Paramasukhananda ji Maharaj (Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission, Villupuram) who laid a strong foundation for VCC, Swami Shashishikhananda ji Maharaj (Secretary for Schools associated with Math and In-charge of Library, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai) who launched different courses at VCC, and Swami Raghunayakananda ji Maharaj (Manager, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai) who opened doors to a wide range of courses with a cultural touch. This was followed by a speech from the honoured Chief Guest Smt. S. C. Parameswari, Director of P&C Projects Pvt Ltd. and Chairman & Managing Director of Siva Shankar Projects. The gathering also received blessings from Revered Swami Satyajnanananda ji Maharaj (Adhyaksha, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai). There was also a special speech from the guest of honour, Smt. Neerja Malik, an Inspirational Speaker and Cancer Counsellor.

The event was paused for a refreshment break followed by cultural activities, including a skit on experiencing Swami Vivekananda and recital of songs by the volunteers of VCC. There were also sharing’s from sponsors, donors, faculties, and alumni members. 

Swami Satyajnanananda ji Maharaj released the Newsletter and distributed a copy of it to the dignitaries. This was followed by felicitating the monks, sponsors, donors, staff, volunteers, alumni members, and participants of cultural activities. Vote of Thanks was delivered by Br. Vanishachaitanya ji Maharaj, Director of VCC. The event was concluded with a group photo followed by distribution of saatvic prasadam to more than 250 members gathered.
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