Yoga Instructor Certification - 06th Batch (15.03.2025)
The Valedictory Function for Yoga Instructor Certification Course was held on Saturday, 15 th March 2025 in Ramakrishnananda Hall (Prayer Hall) of VCC from evening 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
The Function started with a Prayer song by Smt. Madhuratha Ji and Radhika Ji. The Prayer Shlokas were chanted by Col. Shriram Ji and Sri Krishna Ji.
The Course Instructor, Shri Biju Dev Ji, Yoga Head, Yofi Wellness Centre spoke about the importance of Yoga and Meditation in Life for physical and Mental Wellbeing. Both Theoretical and Practical Sessions were conducted during the course. Also Exam was conducted. This Place provides one to Practice Yoga and meditation at this Holy, calm, and Serene atmosphere.
The Director Maharaj in his speech emphasized on the regular practice and spreading this ancient Health-wellness among the masses. The participants were asked to come and share their valuable feedback about this course and their experiences. They presented gifts to the top scorers as well.
Finally certificates were distributed by Br. Vânishachaitanya, Director- VCC.
The event concluded with a group photo session.