Yoga Women - Batch 52 (Valedictory function)

By - Webteam
22.06.24 05:42 PM
Program began with offering flowers to Holy Trio and Prayers.

Smt. Krishnaveni, the instructor for the course welcomed all the students of this batch accompanied by their family members. And also she spoke on the benefits of Yoga practice from the Physical and Mental point of view. This is not the end of the learning of the Yoga but just the beginning for healthy life, she added.

New Director, Br. Vanishachaitanya Maharaj, had interactive session with all of the students. He spoke on the real meaning of the Yoga is Unison with once Own Self. Students listened with rapt attention and had some doubts cleared. All were happy to know the depth meaning of the Yoga, in its real sense.

Students expressed their gratitude and happiness to join in this holy ambience place. Shared their experience and also thanked, Vivekananda Cultural Centre for organizing this course, and especially the instructor Krishnaveni amma for being so friendly in teaching and also solving their doubts then and there during the practice sessions.

Certificates were distributed to all the students by the Director Maharaj. Session came to end with prayers, all were taken to visit the Vivekanandar Illam Museum.
