In commemoration of 125th year of Swami Vivekananda's Historic return to India, a Personality development program through Introducing Swamiji’s Life & teachings and Books exhibition cum sales.
Date : 17/07/2022 to 18/07/2022
No. of Days : 02
SL. No: Central Zone 001
School Name: Sri RKM Sarada Vidyalaya Middle School
Address: No.1, Ramanathan Street, T. Nagar
Name of the Principal : Smt. Jalaja
School Coordinator: D. Swarnalatha
No of Students Participated: 160
VYF Zonal Coordinator: Sri. R.Vijayendiran
*No. of Volunteers involved: 4
*Other Volunteers involved (Team Members Name): Lingeswaran, Prajeevan, Sri. Agilan (St home Staff) + 3 Student Volunteers.
*Brief report
Students from the school actively participated in the exhibition and in all its activities, and came to know about Swami Vivekananda’s life and His message to the youth. Few students also came forward as volunteers to help in setting up the exhibition. They displayed great enthusiasm and spirit of service. The school authorities, staff and the watchman gave excellent support. The principal of the school personally oversaw the progress of the programme. Both students and parents visited the book stall and purchased books.