In commemoration of 125th year of Swami Vivekananda's Historic return to India, a Personality Development program through Introducing Swamiji’s Life & teachings and Books exhibition cum sales.
Date : 8-12-2022 & 12-12-2022
No. of Days : 02
SL. No: Central Zone 007
School Name: Maharishi Vidya Mandir (Under the Management of SKPD & Charities)
Address: Old No. 4, New No. 13, R.T. Mudali Street, Choolai, Chennai - 600112
Name of the Principal: Vinola Murali
School Coordinator: Mrs. Habeeba
Classes Participated & No of Students: 6th to 8th Std. – 500 students
VYF Zonal Coordinator: Sri. Satish
*No. of Volunteers involved: 2 – Satish and Keshav
*Other Volunteers involved (Team Members Name): 1 – Hemanth (Contact of Lingeswaran of VYF)
*Brief report:
It was a challenging experience due to bad weather and thunderstorm. Despite the weather conditions, the School Principal permitted the exhibition to take place. The school made all arrangements for tables, chairs, equipments, etc. The students who came forward to volunteer were very much interested in the programme and participated enthusiastically. They did a very good job of explaining the incidents from Swami Vivekananda’s life to the participants.
The HOD of Tamil Department purchased books for distribution in bulk amounting to around Rs. 5000/-. Teachers felt that this kind of programme is really need for students to inculcate moral values in them. They appreciated the efforts of the VYF volunteers and Ramakrishna Math very much. Ms. Banumathi and Ms. Habeeba gave a lot of support for the programme and they took active interest in the programme.