In commemoration of 125th year of Swami Vivekananda's Historic return to India, a Personality Development program through Introducing Swamiji’s Life & teachings and Books exhibition cum sales.
Date : 27-01-2023 & 28-01-2023
No. of Days : 02
SL. No: Central Zone 009
School Name: Ramakrishna Mission Higher Secondary School (South)
Address: 54, Burkit Road, T. Nagar, Chennai - 600017
Name of the Correspondent: Swami Padmasthananada (RKM Ashrama, T. Nagar)
Name of the Principal: Smt. Sarada
School Coordinator: Mr. Vignesh
VYF Zonal Coordinator: Mr. Vijayendran
*No. of VYF Volunteers involved (with Names):
4 - Hemanth, Shreepathy, Shanmugham and Vineet
*Other Volunteers involved (Team Members Name): - 1 – Nedumaran
There is a Vivekananda Youth Forum in the school consisting of 15 students from 11th and 12th standards. They gave their full support for the exhibition.
*Remarks by the Teachers/ Institution:
It was informative and useful for the students. Teachers appreciated the VYF volunteers who conducted the exhibition. They felt the need for such exhibition to be done again next year. They VYF students of that school plan to do a similar exhibition in their school by themselves.
*Brief report: VYF students of that school came forward as volunteers for conducting this exhibition. The exhibition was conducted in a grand manner with the support of the school Principal and students. The school gave all their support and made the necessary arrangements. Students purchased books in large numbers.