In commemoration of 125th year of Swami Vivekananda's Historic return to India, a Personality Development program through Introducing Swamiji’s Life & teachings and Books exhibition cum sales.
Date :19/07/2022 to 21/07/2022
No. of Days : 03
SL. No: North Zone 005
School Name: Smt. Kasturba Nimchand Shah P. Muthyalu Chetty Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College (VES)
Address: No.125, Thulasingam Street, Perambur, Chennai - 600011
Name of the Principal: Devika (Vice Principal)
School Coordinator: S. Parimala
Classes Participated & No of Students: Std. 1 to 10, Approx. 780
VYF Zonal Coordinator: Ramakrishnan
*No. of Volunteers involved: 3 (1+ Student’s home 4 members per day)
*Other Volunteers involved (Team Members Name): Venkatesh IIT, Venkatesh Textile, Student’s Home 4 Boys for first 2 days
*Brief report
VYF volunteers put great efforts and work in organizing this event despite many logistical difficulties. Their efforts were rewarded with all students and teachers of the school visiting the exhibition and participating enthusiastically. Some students also did voluntary work by telling stories and explaining the life and message of Swami Vivekananda to their school mates. The teachers were also very enthusiastic and remarked that they to learnt a lot from this event. The School Principal was much appreciative of the motivational sessions and was happy with the way the entire programme was conducted. Swami Shashishikhanandaji from Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai graced the event by his august presence.