In commemoration of 125th year of Swami Vivekananda's Historic return to India, a Personality Development program through Introducing Swamiji’s Life & teachings and Books exhibition cum sales.
Date : 14/09/2022 to 16/09/2022
No. of Days : 03
SL. No: North Zone 011
School Name: Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar
Address: Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-600 019
Name of the Correspondent: Mr. Manikandan CEO
School Coordinator: Manikandan JI Cores (School CEO)
VYF Zonal Coordinator: Sri. Ramakrishnan
*No. of Volunteers involved: 1
*Other Volunteers involved (Team Members Name):
Shanmugam (Ceramics)
Meenakshi college students 2 per day for first two days
*Brief report:
The school authorities supported the volunteers very well and made all necessary arrangements for the exhibition. They also announced leave on the 3rd day of the exhibition for the students to visit the exhibition. The sale of books was good and students showed great interests in them. The exhibition went as per the school timings. All the students listened to the speeches and talks very attentively and were enthusiastic. The teachers were happy to have the motivational session conducted which gave great inspiration to the students. The CEO and the Founder of the institution gave good support for the volunteers and encouraged them to go on doing good activities like this. Some student volunteers did the explanation of the pictorial panels and they were much involved in whatever task they took up.