
Blog by Admin

Swami Vivekanandarin Bhakti Yogam Lecture Series in Tamil by Swami Buddhidananda (Audio)
Love in its varied aspects is the motive force behind all the actions of living beings. But love takes its highest form when directed towards the God. Among the different paths leading man towards the attainment of the Supreme Truth is the one of love, devotion, and complete surrender. In this book ...
01.11.15 03:50 PM - Comment(s)
Kenopanishad Lecture Series in Tamil by Swami Suprajnananda (Audio)
The most interesting feature of this Upaniṣad lies in the fact that it gives a subtle psychological analysis which is so suggestive that anyone who follows it closely is sure to find himself at last led to the very gate of the Transcendent. Though short , its value is great; and Śaṅkara, it is belie...
29.10.15 04:04 PM - Comment(s)
Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam Book Release Function (Photos)
A compilation of the inspiring talks delivered by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in various centres of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, universities and other organisations has been brought out in Tamil as a book Valarntha Bharathathil Vazhvom by Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam.

Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai conducted t...
14.10.15 10:47 AM - Comment(s)
Festival Lectures 2015 (Audio)
Lectures delivered by senior monks on special occasions such as the birth anniversary of an incarnation or saint.

  • Kalpataru Day - Swami Gautamananda-2015-01-01
  • Kalpataru Day - Swami Vimurtananda-2015-01-01
  • Swami Turiyananda Jayanti Discourse by Gautamananda 2015-01-04
  • Swami Vivekananda Jayanti - Discour...
12.10.15 04:35 PM - Comment(s)
Mundaka Upanishad Lecture Series by Swami Atmashraddhananda (Audio)
Recording of the weekly talks on Mundaka Upanishad—one of the primary (Mukhya) Upanishads. This talk-series aims at facilitating an easy understanding of the Upanishad keeping spiritual aspirants in view.

Swami Atmashraddhananda, a monk of the Ramakrishna Order delivered the weekly lecture (English)
12.10.15 04:27 PM - Comment(s)
Navaratri Lectures 2015 by Swami Asutoshananda (Audio)
Special Discourses are conducted by Swami Asutoshananda on Srimad Devi Bhagavatam between October 13-23, 2015 on the occasion of Navaratri day celebrations at the Math campus
10.10.15 05:02 PM - Comment(s)
The Universal Brotherhood Day 2015 (Photos)
On September 11, 1893, at World Parliament of Religions held at Chicago, America, Swami Vivekananda gave a revitalizing speech by enlightening the glory of India to the world. This day is marked as The Universal Brotherhood Day. On this auspicious day Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai conducted various ...
11.09.15 09:56 PM - Comment(s)
Lecture on Swami Vivekananda by Swami Atmarupananda (Audio)
Discourse Delivered by Revered Swami Atmarupanandaji Maharaj of Belur Math at Vivekananda Study Circle (VSC), IIT Madras on 31 August and 1 September 2015.

31st Aug 2015: Are Swami Vivekananda’s Ideas really Universal?
1st Sep 2015: Why Search for Oneself?
01.09.15 04:41 PM - Comment(s)
Band Played By RKM Students Home Boys (Video)
Band Played By RKM Students Home Boys during Ramakrishnananda Jayanthi  on August 08th 2015 at Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.
12.08.15 11:18 AM - Comment(s)
Uzha Sankeerthanam during Swami Ramakrishnananda Jayanthi 2015 (Video)
Uzha Sankeerthanam during Swami Ramakrishnananda Jayanthi 2015 HD Video on 12.08.2015 at Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai
12.08.15 11:15 AM - Comment(s)
Convocation & Inauguration of Vivekananda Sanskrit Course 2015 (Photos)
On 06-07-2015 the Sanskrit course in two levels in collaboration with Samskrita Bharati inaugurated. This “Vivekananda Samskrita Adhyayana Sarani” was started as part of 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Swami Vivekananda. So far four batches of students have successfully completed the course.

06.07.15 10:43 AM - Comment(s)
Centenary Celebration of Vedanta Kesari: Discourses - Dec 30, 2014 (Audio & Video)
The Vedanta Kesari, ‘the Lion of Vedanta’, is the spiritual and cultural monthly of the Ramakrishna Order published from Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai, since 1914. The Vedanta Kesari now completes a century of its service to the cause of spreading Vedanta and Ramakrishna-Vivekananda ideolo...
24.06.15 03:59 PM - Comment(s)
International Yoga Day Celebrations 2015 (Photos)
The 1st International Yoga Day was celebrated in our Vivekananda Cultural Centre on Sunday, 21st June 2015.
21.06.15 04:50 PM - Comment(s)
Guru Puja 2015 (Photos)
Guru Puja was performed by the students of Balamandir at our Math on 24th May 2015. The students offered puja to their respective Gurus and took an oath to cultivate moral, cultural and spiritual values.
24.05.15 01:23 PM - Comment(s)
Anna Subramaniams Book Release Function (Photos)
Sri Anna Subramanian, was a household disciple of Swami Shivananda Maharaj, a direct disciple of Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna. He has written Tamil commentaries for around 70 books in Sanskrit on various scriptures published by our Math. Thousands of people are ardent admirers of his scholarship and sai...
17.05.15 10:39 AM - Comment(s)
The Dawn of a New Age: Inauguration of 2D Hologram Show (Photos)
With the financial assistance of Union Ministry of Culture, ‘Experience Vivekananda’, a project to renovate the Vivekananda House and create a Multimedia Museum, was launched a year ago at Vivekananda House. As its first phase, a short virtual projection 2D Holographic video titled ‘The Dawn of a Ne...
15.05.15 05:02 PM - Comment(s)
New Service Centre and Book Stall Inauguration (Photos)
During September 2014, it was decided to open a computer training centre for young job aspirants, a books showroom, besides yoga cum meditation classes and evening tuition for 10th and Plus 2 students, at the 1.5 ground plot cum premises situated at 7/16, East Chetty Street, Butt Road, St Thomas Mou...
15.04.15 10:36 AM - Comment(s)
Kathopanishad Lectures in Tamil by Swami Suprajnananda (Audio)
Upanishads are based on the dialogue between a realized soul acting as the Teacher, Rishi, and a sincere seeker of Truth who approaches Him as a disciple. In Katha Upanishad the teacher is Yama – Death Himself – and the student is a young Nachiketa in his teens. This Upanishad is one of the most pop...
03.04.15 03:24 PM - Comment(s)
A Clean Initiative: Cleaning on 63 Nayanmars Festival 2015 (Photos)
Every year during the Tamil month of “Panguni”, (March-April) a 10 days festival is performed by Kapaleeswarar Temple, situated in Mylapore, Chennai, in which various spiritual & cultural will take place. Rath Festival and procession of 63 Nayanmaars are part of the event, in which lakhs of peop...
02.04.15 10:31 AM - Comment(s)
Vivekananda Navaratri Lectures 2015 (Audio)
Vivekananda Navaratri was celebrated at Vivekanandar Illam on February 06-14, 2015.

  • Special Address By Nalli Kuppuswamy Chetty - Feb 06, 2015
  • Special Address By Cartoonist Mathi Dinamani - Feb 06, 2015
  • Benediction by Srimat Swami Gautamananda - Feb 06, 2015
  • Chennai Illanjargalukku Viveka Vani by Swami S...
14.02.15 04:46 PM - Comment(s)