On the auspicious day of Saraswati Puja, Srimat Swami Gautamananda ji Maharaj launched the following cloud software solutions at Ramakrishna Math Chennai.
a) Cloud-based Institute management software for Vivekananda Cultural Center (VCC): An Institute management system using open-source Laravel framework with enquiry management, student admission, course enrollment, batch upload and SMS service facility.
b) Cloud-based School Management software for Vivekananda Centenary School (RKMVCS): A School management system using open-source Laravel framework for school with students database (attendance, marks, promotion), staff management, Online fee payment, SMS facility.
c) Vedanta Kesari Subscription Admin Mobile App (Apple iOS/Android): A Vedanta Kesari Subscription Admin Management system using Zoho platform for subscriber and subscription management system
A Demo of the Augmented Reality App, which will detect the archival image of a great personality in a museum setup and display a virtual short biographical information of the detected person along the original image was shown with Swami Yatiswaranandaji Maharaj’s picture.