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Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Lecture by Swami Vimurtananda on January 8th, 2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.
08.01.18 10:37 AM - Comment(s)
Kalpataru Day Lecture by Swami Vimurtananda on 1st January 2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.
01.01.18 10:41 AM - Comment(s)
Kalpataru Day and New Year 2018 Wishes by Swami Gautamananda ji Maharaj at Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.
31.12.17 10:47 AM - Comment(s)
Lectures delivered by senior monks on special occasions such as the birth anniversary of an incarnation or saint.
- Christmas Celebration - Discourse by Swami Mahamedhananda - Dec 24 2017
- Swami Saradananda Jayanti - Discourse by Swami Shashishikhananda - Dec 24 2017
- Swami Shivananda Jayanti - Discourse b...
24.12.17 04:36 PM - Comment(s)
Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi Jayanti 2017 Lecture in Tamil by Swami Narasimhananda on December 9th, 2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.
09.12.17 10:49 AM - Comment(s)
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai has started primary relief work in 4 camps and distributed cooked food for 600 people 3 times daily. We have identified tribal people living in nearby hilly regions which are inaccessible by road. Because of its inaccessibility, we find there is a greater need for us to...
08.12.17 04:39 PM - Comment(s)
The Vivekananda Samskrita Adyayana Sarani was started on 24-11-2014 in collaboration with Samskrita Bharati as part of 150thBirth Anniversary Celebrations of Swami Vivekananda. So far eight batches of students have successfully completed the course.
Revered Srimath Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj addres...
07.12.17 12:46 PM - Comment(s)
As part of the 150th Birth anniversary of Sister Nivedita, Ramakrishna Math Chennai has published following books on Sister Nivedita.
07.12.17 11:54 AM - Comment(s)
SSA conducted a Science Exhibition on 17-11-17 for the schools covered under Periamet range. Our school participated and bagged second prize. John Joseph, Vth std won 1st Prize and V. Nithyasri, Vth std B won II Prize.
17.11.17 04:24 PM - Comment(s)
Sri Ramakrishna Math Charitable Dispensary, Mylapore, Chennai has upgraded the following Lab machines.
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay[CLIA] Thyroid Analyzer (Price Rs. 11.5 Lakhs)
Hematology Analyzer (price Rs. 3 Lakhs)
These equipments are sponsored by M/s. Anandam Trust, Chennai.
It is estimated to ser...
15.11.17 11:43 AM - Comment(s)
Lecture by Pravrajika Divyanandaprana, Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, New Delhi on Sister Nivedita 150th Birth Year Celebrations.
08.11.17 10:53 AM - Comment(s)
Sister Nivedita’s 150th Birth Year was celebrated in a befitting manner on 28th and 29th Oct 2017 with special programmes for Teachers, Devotees and as a Day of Leprosy Awareness. Lectures delivered by the Chief Guests on the occasion of Sister Nivedita’s 150th Birth Year celebrations.
06.11.17 04:45 PM - Comment(s)
Vedamurti Sri Ramakrishna lecture by Srimat Swami Pitambaranandaji, a Senior Monk of the Ramakrishna order on Oct 1, 8 and 15 2017.
05.11.17 04:48 PM - Comment(s)
Sister Nivedita’s 150th Birth Year was celebrated in a befitting manner on 28th and 29th Oct 2017 with special programmes for Teachers, Devotees and as a Day of Leprosy Awareness.
29.10.17 11:12 AM - Comment(s)
- Public Celebration of Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti 2017
- Govindapuram Sri Balaji Bhagavathar - Ramakrishna Bhaktha Vijaya Sapthaham 2017
- Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti Public Celebration Lectures - 2016
- Kalpataru Day Audio Discourses - 2015
- Audio Discourses on Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti - 2015
- Swami Vivekananda...
01.10.17 04:15 PM - Comment(s)
On September 11, 1893, at World Parliament of Religions held at Chicago, America, Swami Vivekananda gave a revitalizing speech by enlightening the glory of India to the world. This day is marked as The Universal Brotherhood Day. On this auspicious day Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai conducted various ...
11.09.17 03:32 PM - Comment(s)
1000th Birth Year of Sri Ramanuja was jointly celebrated by Ramakrishna Math Chennai and Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabha, on 10th August 2017 at Narada Gana Sabha, Alwarpet. The commemoration was in the form of the release of a new book ‘Life of Sri Ramanuja’ by Swami Ramakrishnananda, a direct discip...
10.08.17 12:43 PM - Comment(s)
Antaryogam – 4 days spiritual camp for adults was conducted at the Math from 20th to 23rd July 2017. As a part of the camp, guided meditation, bhajans, spiritual talks, music and drama presentations were organized. Some of the lectures and bhajans have been reproduced.
- Discourse on Nan Kandu Viyantha...
28.07.17 04:57 PM - Comment(s)
The 155th Birthday (Tithi puja) of Swami Ramakrishnananda was celebrated with Special Puja and Homa at the Math on Friday, 21 July 2017.
There were Bhajans by Swami Gunasagarananda, Selvi Lakshmi and Smt. VanajaKesavan.
There was a special lecture on Ramakrishna Bhaktha Vijaya Sapthaham for one week d...
21.07.17 05:10 PM - Comment(s)
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