Blog categorized as Events

62nd Sports Day (Photos)
We are happy to inform you that the 62nd School Sports Day was celebrated at the school premises on Saturday, 9.30 am, 26th October 2024.
26.10.24 11:59 AM - Comment(s)
MS Office Training Program for Chennai Port Authority (Ch.PA) & Kamarajar Port Limited (KPL) Employees.(Photos)
MS Office Training program was successfully launched in presence of Shri. Sunil Paliwal I.A.S., Chairman, Chennai Port Authority (Ch.PA)
25.10.24 02:48 PM - Comment(s)
Thanjavur Painting (Photos)
On Sunday - 20th Oct 2024, Valedictory session was conducted for participants of the 37th and 38th batches (Week day and Weekend) of Thanjavur Painting Course.
20.10.24 11:55 AM - Comment(s)
Yoga for Home Makers (Photos)
Valediction of 1st Batch of Yoga for Home Makers was held on Tue-24th Sep 2024
17.10.24 11:06 AM - Comment(s)
Nachiketa Lab Inauguration (Photos)
Nachiketa Lab is an informal learning lab setup for kids from 7th to 9th grade school kids with focus on AIoT (Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things) and at the same time be involved in the community based spiritual/service activities of the math for their personal well-being.
12.10.24 03:20 PM - Comment(s)
How to Live Peacefully 2024 (Photos)
Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai organised a half a day special spiritual retreat programme for Devotees, Professional and entrepreneurs on 29th Sept, Sunday. The theme of this programme was " How to live peacefully?".
03.10.24 12:31 PM - Comment(s)
Navarathri Golu Making (One-Day Workshop) (Photos)
Navarathri Golu Making-2024 workshop was successfully conducted at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC) on Sat-28th September 2024, with 59 participants ranging from 8 to 60 years.
28.09.24 10:30 AM - Comment(s)
Clay Sculpting 2024 (Photos)
The workshop started with prayers at Sister Nivedita Auditorium. The Instructors gave very clear verbal instructions and step-by-step demo to each of the participants.
27.09.24 10:40 AM - Comment(s)
Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration 2024 (Photos)
On the occasion of 11th Sep–Universal Brotherhood Day; accompanied by monks offered flowers to Holy Trio inside the shrine in Vivekanandar Illam and Swami Vivekananda’s statue in front. This was followed by Arati and lighting of lamp at the Sister Nivedita Auditorium.
11.09.24 08:30 PM - Comment(s)
Career Day Program - RKMNS (Photos)

Ramakrishna Math National School conduct an exciting and insightful Career Day for its Children. What made the day even more special was that students actively participated by dressing up as professionals in different fields, showcasing their imaginative spirit and enthusiasm.

09.09.24 02:58 PM - Comment(s)
Catch them young - 130th Batch
  • Catch Them Young, 130th batch was conducted in the Ramakrishnananda Hall at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC) campus on Thursday, 22nd August 2024. The participants included 1 faculty and 33 students of Various Dept. from Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai.
  • The prog...
23.08.24 04:33 PM - Comment(s)
Yoga for Home Makers - 1st Batch
  • There was a need for improving the health of housewives which prompted us to start Yoga For Homemakers.
  • The convenient timings was fixed from 10:30 to 11:30 AM (after they complete all their morning daily chores.) 14 women participants joined in the first batch.
  • Two lady instructors will be conducting...
22.08.24 04:44 PM - Comment(s)
Catch them young - 129th Batch
  • CATCH THEM YOUNG, 129th batch was conducted in the Ramakrishnananda Hall at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC) campus on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. The participants included 1 faculty and 34 students of B.Com Honours dept.  from M.O.P Vaishnav College, Chennai. 
  • The program began with ...
21.08.24 08:04 PM - Comment(s)
Yoga Men 79th & Women 51st Batch Combined Valedictory Function

A combined valedictory function was held on August 11, 2024, to mark the successful completion of the Yoga Men (Weekdays) and Yoga Women (Weekends) batches. The event saw the participation of nearly 30 members, who had diligently attended the courses.


The program commenced with the traditiona...

17.08.24 04:24 PM - Comment(s)
Catch them young - 128th Batch
  • CATCH THEM YOUNG, 128th batch was conducted in the Ramakrishnananda Hall at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC) campus on Wednesday, August 16, 2024. The participants included 2 faculty and 26 students of BA Political Science Department from Guru Nanak College, Chennai. 
  • The program bega...
16.08.24 08:12 PM - Comment(s)
Catch them young - 127th Batch
  • CATCH THEM YOUNG, 127th batch was conducted in the Ramakrishnananda Hall at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC) campus on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. The participants included 1 faculty and 51 students of BCA Department from M.O.P Vaishnav College, Chennai. 
  • The program began with flower offering ...
14.08.24 04:26 PM - Comment(s)
Jnana Yajna

अन्नदानं परं दानं विद्यादानमतः परम्

Giving spiritual knowledge is the highest form of help that can be given to an individual.

In an effort to spread the message and teachings of the Holy Trio and Vedanta, Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai has been publishing and distributing books at a subsidized price.


12.08.24 11:29 AM - Comment(s)
Catch them young - 126th Batch
  • CATCH THEM YOUNG, 126th batch was conducted in the Ramakrishnananda Hall at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC) campus on Thursday, August 09th, 2024. The participants included 3 faculty and 65 students of II B.Sc. B.T & Sociology II & III Year from Guru Nanak College, Chennai.
  • The program bega...
09.08.24 03:28 PM - Comment(s)